It was all a dream, we grew up reading SI magazine.
You may be wondering (but probably not because why would you care) why the three of us decided to start a sports podcast that we knew full darn well nobody would listen other than our moms and John's grandpa. We surely had a good reason to spend the moderate amount of time and effort that a podcast, and now a website apparently, would take. Well the truth is, no, we didn't. Our reasons consisted of the realities that summer was starting, and our egos finally got big enough that we thought other people should listen to our opinions.
The three of us; John, Hayston, and myself, have always had great conversations about sports. From the rational to the ridiculous, we've spent many hours, and talked long into the night about sport on countless occasions. We always said, "well when one of us wins the lottery, we'll have an early morning sports radio talk show like Mike and Mike." That's been our dream as friends. We would do that in the morning, and operate the world's largest putt putt golf complex during the day. Isn't that the dream of all friends?
Then one morning, John and I were texting, discussing how the MLB would look different if they only played 16 games in a season like the NFL. We discussed the ramifications for almost an hour. The conversation ended like many of them have, "this is why we need a sports radio talk show." Then for some reason on that fateful Saturday morning I just texted back, "why don't we just do it?"
Sure the lottery thing hasn't panned out yet, but then I thought, what about a Podcast? Freakin' anyone can have a podcast. You don't even have to be good or have training or talk to an adult first. You can just record yourselves talking and put it on the internet. So that's exactly what we did. And exactly what we've done for three weeks now, and I must say, it's been a blast.
If you're reading this, God Bless you. We'll try to make this website a fun extension of the podcast. I think what it boils down to is that the three of us really love talking (and writing) about sports, and we wanted to share that love with others and hopefully provide them with some enjoyment.
So yeah, I guess that's why we're doing all this.